

 Hello everyone, I do not know about you guys but the past few weeks have been ROUGH! I was feeling sick and to what i thought may have had Covid like symptoms but it was just a stomach bug. To follow right behind that I was around someone who had Covid and then I had to sit out of school for a bit and take of things like that while falling behind because I did not know what to do. I literally did not know what to do. I feel like life what be easier if we did not have to deal with some silly virus ( I do take the virus serious ). I feel like things will never be normal for people after this pandemic, but looking back in history we seen how the U.S handled some of the past pandemic and everything seemed to follow behind being normal for them.. I HAVE HOPE!  That is all that someone can ask for in these rough, but not so rough times.  Thank you for Reading  Midnight đź’ś For anyone that like more information on past pandemics. No im not forcing any form of " Get your shot"  I jus